Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Is it any wonder there are calls for Milwaukee County government to be dissolved?

Lee Holloway, Milwaukee County Board chairman, spoke at a recent meeting, which I attended, of a well-known and respected Milwaukee-based organization.

Acknowledging that he has no aspirations to higher office and thus can say whatever he believes, Holloway said he wholeheartedly supports an increase in the Milwaukee County sales tax because, "it will save property taxpayers money." He said the tax would spread the burden among those who visit Milwaukee and those who don't own property in the county. In the end, he said it would held reduce property taxes. "This is the greatest thing since apple pie," he said. "And I like apple pie."

Holloway opened his remarks by noting his fight against alleged ethics violations. He likened himself to the monster in late-night Japanese movies that destroyed cities and ravaged the countryside. He said the monster is bombed and shot, but keeps coming back to life.

He said it, I didn't.

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